Well done! You’ve completed individual session 5. Please complete your post-training survey.
This survey is a requirement. Your feedback is collected and shared with leaders in preparation for group sessions. Thank you.
The intent of this completion survey is to help you and your co-workers to review concepts, tools and strategies just presented with your group leader for greater clarification, discuss the relevance of them to your organization’s purpose and values, and begin the process of integrating them into your day-to-day operations. In this way, they become resources enabling you and those you work with to not only have the intention to create an extraordinary workplace but gain the capacity to do so.
Note: Most sessions have information on mindset shifts and tools. It’s easier to comment on tools which are tangible. Please comment on concepts as well. For example: in one module (2) you learn about unresolved psychological contracts, 4 components of emotional intelligence, why a systems approach matters, and personal responsibility. Please consider each session in its entirety when you comment below. Thanks!
It is not enough to have the intention of making positive changes, each person must work to gain the capacity to bring about the good you intend. Most organizations fail to make the most of training and coaching because they have the intent but do not follow-through to actualization of results they seek.
In order to support this process, please express your ideas, questions, comments or suggestions on the content in this module. Completing this survey allows you to access your next session.
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